SABIS Grade 11 - Year 2021/2022 Chapter (6) Level M Chemistry


6.1 Chemical evidence for atomic theory

6.2 Seeing parts of the atom

6.3 Measuring dimensions of atoms and molecules

6.4 Molecular spectroscopy and crystals


6.1 Chemical evidence for atomic theory

6.1.1 The law of definite composition 
6.1.2 The law of multiple proportions 
6.1.3 The law of combining volumes
6.1.4 Chemical evidence for the electrical nature of atoms


6.1.1 The law of definite composition 
compounds are found to have definite composition no matter how prepared 
6.1.2 The law of multiple proportions 

when two elements react to form more than one compound, the mass of one element that reacts with a fixed mass of the other can be expressed as the ratio of small whole numbers.
6.1.3 The law of combining volumes

Gases are found to react in simple proportions by volume and the volume of any gaseous product bears a whole number ration to that of any gaseous reactant 
6.1.4 Chemical evidence for the electrical nature of atoms

6.2 Seeing parts of the atom

6.2.1 Seeing electrons
6.2.2 The effect of magnetic field on electrons
6.2.3 Seeing positive atoms
6.2.4 Weighing positive ions : The mass spectrograph
6.2.5 Seeing the nucleus : structure of the atom

6.3 Measuring dimensions of atoms and molecules

6.3.1 Some properties of light
6.3.2 Microwave spectroscopy 
6.3.3 Infrared spectroscopy
6.3.4 X-ray diffraction patterns 

6.4 Molecular spectroscopy and crystals

6.4.1 Molecular spectroscopy 
6.4.2 Crystals and their structures 

Sample Question 1
A law is a generalization that
a) has been proved mathematically.
b) has been proved both experimentally and mathematically.
c) is a basic rule of nature.
d) has been proved experimentally at least once.
e) has been supported by experiment at least three times.
f) has been found to be correct most of the time.
g) has been found to be true every time it was tested.

Sample Question 2
The law of definite composition: compounds always have same composition
The law of definite composition states that
a) if a compound can be prepared in more than one way then its percentage composition will be depend on the way of preparation.
b) if a compound can be prepared in more than one way then its percentage composition will always be the same.
c) atoms react in the ratio of small whole numbers.
d) atoms react in the ratio of one to one.
e) each atom has a definite composition by weight.
f) elements have a definite composition by weight.

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