Cambridge IGCSE - Metals - NOTES

Physical properties of metals.

Table of properties of metals and the reason for each property

Why Metals are ductile ?

Metals are ductile because Layers of positive ions can easily slide over one another and take up different positions.

Other General Physical properties of metals



Bonding and structure in metals

In metals, the electrons leave the outer shells of metal atoms , forming positive metal ions and a 'sea' of delocalised electrons. The structure of a solid metal consists of closely packed metal ions, arranged in a regular way to form a metallic lattice structure

Chemical properties of Metals

The chemistry of metals is studied by analyzing their reactions with water, dilute acid

and oxygen.

  • Based on these reactions, a reactivity series of metals can be produced.
  • The series can be used to place a group of metals in order of reactivity based on the observations of their reactions with water acids and oxygen.

Reacting with Oxygen

Most metals will react with oxygen in air to form metal oxides.

  • Heated copper forms black copper oxide with oxygen.
  • Iron burns only when in powder form or as iron wool
  • Gold does not react at all.
  • Magnesium burns rapidly with a bright white light
  • Some metals like group one elements will react with oxygen in air even without heating.
  • From this list of reactions we can arrange metals in order of reactivity from the most to the least reactive

Sodium --> Magnesium ---> Iron --> Copper --> Gold

Reacting with water

  • Sodium reacts violently with cold water
  • Calcium reacts rapidly with cold water
  • Magnesium reacts very slowly with cold water but reacts rapidly with steam
  • Zinc reacts with hot steam only when heated strongly as powder
  • Copper no reaction with cold water or steam

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