States of Matter - 1.1 Introduction


CIE IGCSE Chemistry 

Cambridge Chapter 1 

1.1 States of Matter - Introduction

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CIE IGCSE Chemistry 

Cambridge Chapter 1

IGCSE 0620 All Chapters

Solid: particles close together, regular pattern, vibrate on spot. Liquid: particles close together, random, move around each other. Gas: particles far apart, random arrangement, move quickly.

The table below summarizes the arrangement and movement of the particles in solids, liquids and gases, and shows simple diagrams for the arrangement of the particles.
States of matter
The kinetic particle theory explains the properties of the different states of matter. The particles in solids, liquids and gases have different amounts of energy. They are arranged differently and move in different ways.


The table shows some of the properties of solids and why they are like this.



Solids have a fixed shape and cannot flow

The particles cannot move from place to place

Solids cannot be compressed or squashed

The particles are close together and have no space to move into


The table shows some of the properties of liquids and why they are like this.



Liquids flow and take the shape of their container

The particles can move around each other

Liquids cannot be compressed or squashed

The particles are close together and have no space to move into


The table shows some of the properties of gases and why they are like this.



Gases flow and completely fill their container

The particles can move quickly in all directions

Gases can be compressed or squashed     The particles are far apart and have space to move 
