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Discussed Points
Term 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

189Condensed phases of matter are solid and liquid.
190Gaseous elements (under room conditions) are found at the top right hand side of the Periodic Table.
191One gram of steam, H2O (g) causes more severe burns than one gram of water, H2O(l) at 100oC. At the same temperature, both have the same average kinetic energy but steam has a higher potential energy than water.
192A volatile liquid is a liquid that evaporates at room temperature. A liquid with a low boiling point is easy to vaporize
193Vapor pressure of a liquid: is the pressure of the gas above the liquid with which it is at equilibrium (Both liquid and gas exist indefinitely).
194Vapor pressure of a liquid in a sealed container depends on temperature of the flask. As the temperature increases the vapor pressure of a liquid increases.
195At the boiling point, the temperature of a pure substance stays constant as the liquid is being heated until all the liquid changes into gas. The heat given to the liquid causes more liquid to change into gas.
196Molar heat of vaporization is the minimum energy required to change one mole of a substance from liquid to gas at the same temperature.
197General equation for Molar heat of vaporization: X (l) + heat ⇌ X (g)
198General equation for Molar heat of condensation: X (g) ⇌ X (l) + heat
199In general, a substance that has a higher boiling point is expected to have a higher molar heat of vaporization.
200Minimum conditions for liquid molecules to vaporize:
1) Molecules are supposed to be on the surface.
2) Molecules are supposed to have an average kinetic energy greater than the energy keeping the molecules in the liquid state.
201Boiling point: is the temperature at which the liquid vaporizes anywhere in the solution.
202At the boiling point:
a. Vapor pressure is equal to the surrounding pressure.
b. Bubbles of vapor can form anywhere within the liquid.
c. Molecules escape from the surface of the liquid to enter the gas phase as vapor (this also happens at room temperature).
d. With increasing altitude, atmospheric pressure decreases and so does boiling point.
203Normal boiling point: is the temperature at which the vapor pressure is exactly 1 atm or 760 mmHg.
204Molar heat of fusion: is the energy required to change one mole of a substance from solid to liquid at the same temperature and constant pressure
205Molar heat of fusion is less than the molar heat of vaporization. Molar heat of vaporization of water is 7 times molar heat of fusion of water.
206In general, a pure substance that has a high melting point is expected to have a high molar heat of fusion.
207Comparison between the energy of the molecules on the three states of matter.
Highest PE in gases and lowest PE in solids. The PE of liquid is less than in gases and more than in solids.

Term 2

253SELF STUDY: the electric model of atoms, direction of electric current, meaning of fundamental property, effect of distance on electric forceSQ 47 – 50
254Conductor: a material that completes an electric circuit
255Electric current: is the movement of electric charge.SQ 52
256Electrolyte: a substance that dissolves in water producing electrically conducting solutions, example: aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
257DEMONSTRATION for conductors and non-conductorsSQ51
258Non-electrolyte: a substance that dissolves in water producing electrically non-conducting solutions, example aqueous solution of sugar and distilled water. Water itself is a bad conductor of electricity. When small quantities of a certain substance are dissolved in water, water becomes a good conductor of electricity.
259Examples of electrolytes:
· All acids are electrolytes e.g acetic acid CH3COOH, sulphuric acid H2SO4...
· All ionic compounds are electrolytes e.g NaCl, CaCl2, MgBr2....
260Brief introduction to section 6.6.3
261Ions: are charged particles( charged atoms or groups of atoms)SQ54
262Cations: positively charged ions (usually metal ions eg Na+, Ca2+..)SQ65
263Anions: negatively charged ions ( non-metal ions, eg Cl-, CO32-)SQ64
264Ionic compounds: are compounds in which oppositely charged ions are held together strongly by an electrostatic force of attraction. They are formed from the reaction between a metal and a non-metal. Examples of ioninc compounds are sodium chloride (table salt), NaCl, calcium chloride, CaCl2, and silver nitrate, AgNO3.
265Sodium chloride NaCl is made from the combination of sodium ions Na+ and chloride ions Cl- in a ratio of 1:1. When one mole of sodium chloride dissolves in water it provides the solution with two moles of ions( 1mole of sodium ions and 1 mole of chloride ions) as per the equation: NaCl(s) →Na+(aq)+Cl-(aq)SQ53
266Calcium chloride is made from the combination of calcium ions Ca2+ and chloride ions Cl- in a ratio of 1:2. When one mole of calcium chloride dissolves in water it provides the solution with three moles of ions( 1mole of calcium ions and 2 moles of chloride ions) as per the equation: CaCl2(s) → Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl–(aq).SQ56
267Silver nitrate AgNO3 is made from the combination of silver ions Ag+ and nitrate ions NO3- in a ratio of 1:1. When one mole of silver nitrate dissolves in water it provides the solution with two moles of ions( 1mole of silver ions and 1 mole of nitrate ions) as per the equation: AgNO3 (s) → Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq)SQ57
268Sodium chloride and all other ionic compounds are electrolytes because they provide the solution with freely moving ions which can carry electric charge
269An electric current flows when we have a complete circuit. Current flows outside the battery from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. If an ionic solution is connected to a battery, all positive ions move in the direction of the current, away from the positive electrode and towards the negative electrode. All negative ions move in a direction opposite to the current, away from the negative electrode and towards the positive electrode.SQ55
270Not all ionic compounds are soluble in water and ionize completely in it. Examples include: calcium carbonate, silver chloride, silver bromide, silver iodide and barium sulphate.SQ58
271Memorize name and formulae of cations and anions listed p. 47 part2 textbook.SQ66
272Naming ionic compounds: cation is always named first followed by the anionBQ9, SQ67
273Writing the formulae of ionic compoundsBQ10
274Properties of an ionic solid: ionic solids have high mpt and bpt, do not conduct electricity when solid, conduct electricity when molten or aqueous. Ionic solids form clear crystalsSQ63
275Write dissociation reactions of ionic compounds in water. The equations must be balanced for atoms and for chargeSQ61
276Precipitate: is solid formed when mixing two aqueous solutions.
277Precipitation reaction: is a reaction where a precipitate (solid) is formed.SQ59
278Demonstration: Different precipitation reactions:
279Write a complete formula equation, a complete ionic equation, a net-ionic equation to represent a precipitation reaction.BQ 8
280Predominant ions: is that take part in the reaction
281Spectator ions: ions that do not take part in a reactionSQ60
282Molecular solids are made up of molecules. Examples of molecular solids are wax, sugar, hydrogen chloride, ammonia ...
283Discuss properties of molecular solids:SQ62
284Other types of solids: metallic solids and network solids
285Metallic solids: e.g Cu, Ag, Na
286Network solids / giant molecular/ giant covalent solids are atomic solids made up of atoms joined together by strong covalent bonds. Network solids are characterized by their high melting point and boiling point. e.g Sand (SiO2) , graphite (C) and diamond(C)SQ68
287Determine [ions] present given number of moles of salt and volume of solution.BQ11, 12, CR25
288Determine the concentration of each ion present in a solution prepared by mixing two other solutions without precipitate formationBQ12, CT 23
289Determine the concentration of each ion present in a solution prepared by mixing two other solutions resulting in the formation of a precipitate. Calculate the mass of precipitate formedBQ13

Pending Points
Term 2

Term 3

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